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Spectinomycin Adenosine triphosphate Adenosine monophosphate Pyrophosphate Guanosine triphosphate Cytidine triphosphate Uridine triphosphate Guanosine monophosphate Cytidine monophosphate Uridine 5'-monophosphate L-Alanine L-Proline L-Valine L-Asparagine L-Threonine L-Leucine D-Serine L-Methionine L-Histidine L-Isoleucine Bacterial Ribosome Bacterial Ribosome aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA RNA Polymerase Transcription Bacterial Cell DNA mRNA Translation
Spectinomycin Adenosine triphosphate Adenosine monophosphate Pyrophosphate Guanosine triphosphate Cytidine triphosphate Uridine triphosphate Guanosine monophosphate Cytidine monophosphate Uridine 5'- monophosphate L-Alanine L-Proline L-Valine L-Asparagine L-Threonine L-Leucine D-Serine L-Methionine L-Histidine L-Isoleucine Bacterial Ribosome Bacterial Ribosome aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA aminoacyl- tRNA Created with Snap
Spmycin ATP AMP Ppi GTP CTP UTP GSMP CMP U-5-P Ala Pro Val Asn Thr Leu D-Ser Met His Ile BR BR AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT RNA Polymerase Transcription Bacterial Cell DNA mRNA Translation
Spmycin ATP AMP Ppi GTP CTP UTP GSMP CMP U-5-P Ala Pro Val Asn Thr Leu D-Ser Met His Ile BR BR AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT Created with Snap