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Tubulin beta chain Cellular tumor antigen p53 Cyclin- dependent kinase inhibitor 1 Cyclin- dependent kinase 4 Apoptosis regulator BAX Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer (BAK1) Cytochrome c Apoptotic protease- activating factor 1 Cytochrome c Cytochrome c Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2 Phospho- apoptosis regulator Bcl-2 Vincristine ATP ADP Heme Cytochrome c Heme Heme Heme Vincristine binds to microtubules in the cell and prevents their polymerization The disruption of the microtubules induces the tumor supressor p53 and the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21 The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor acts on CDK4 and other kinases that are involved in the phosphorylation of Bcl-2 Mitochondria Cytosol By preventing its phosphorylation, bcl-2 is unable to bind BAX and BAK, key proteins in cell apoptosis The combined effects of p53 and p21 lead to pore fomration in the mitochondrial membrane, allowing cytochrome c to exit the mitochondrion. Cytochrome c is responsible for activating capsases, which cleave essential proteins in the cell Cell death Outer Mitochondria Membrane Inner Mitochondria Membrane