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Carnitine O- palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 1 Mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier protein Organic cation/carnitine transporter 2 Long-chain- fatty-acid-- CoA ligase 1 Carnitine O- palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase, mitochondrial Carnitine O- palmitoyltransferase 2, mitochondrial Carnitine O- acetyltransferase Acetyl-CoA 13- Methylheptadecanoyl- CoA 13- methylheptadecanoic acid 13- methylheptadecanoic acid 13- Methylheptadecanoylcarnitine 13- Methylheptadecanoylcarnitine L-Carnitine ATP CoA 13- Methylheptadecanoyl- CoA AMP PPi L-Carnitine CoA Acetyl-CoA Malonyl-CoA CO2 CoA L-Carnitine L-Carnitine L- Acetylcarnitine CoA Magnesium Biotin Manganese TCA Cycle Mitochondrial Beta-Oxidation of Long Chain Saturated Fatty Acids Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Extracellular Space Cytosol Intermembrane Space Mitochondrial Matrix
Mitochondria CPT1A SLC27A1 SLC25A20 SLC22A5 ACSL1 CPT1A ACACA MLYCD CPT2 CRAT Acetyl-CoA 13- Methylheptadecanoyl- CoA 13- methylheptadecanoic acid 13- methylheptadecanoic acid 13- Methylheptadecanoylcarnitine 13- Methylheptadecanoylcarnitine L-Carnitine Adenosine triphosphate Coenzyme A 13- Methylheptadecanoyl- CoA Adenosine monophosphate Pyrophosphate L-Carnitine Coenzyme A Acetyl-CoA Malonyl-CoA Carbon dioxide Coenzyme A L-Carnitine L-Carnitine L- Acetylcarnitine Coenzyme A TCA Cycle Mitochondrial Beta-Oxidation of Long Chain Saturated Fatty Acids
CPT1A SLC27A1 SLC25A20 SLC22A5 ACSL1 CPT1A ACACA MLYCD CPT2 CRAT Ac-CoA 13-Me-C 13-me a 13-me a 13-Meth 13-Meth L-Carnt ATP CoA 13-Me-C AMP PPi L-Carnt CoA Ac-CoA MalyCoA CO2 CoA L-Carnt L-Carnt L-Alcar CoA Mg2+ Biotin Mn2+ PW002364 PW000173 Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Extracellular Space Cytosol Intermembrane Space Mitochondrial Matrix
Mitochondria CPT1A SLC27A1 SLC25A20 SLC22A5 ACSL1 CPT1A ACACA MLYCD CPT2 CRAT Ac-CoA 13-Me-C 13-me a 13-me a 13-Meth 13-Meth L-Carnt ATP CoA 13-Me-C AMP Ppi L-Carnt CoA Ac-CoA MalyCoA CO2 CoA L-Carnt L-Carnt L-Alcar CoA PW002364 PW000173