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Viomycin Viomycin Bacterial Ribosome RNA Polymerase Bacterial mRNA Transcription Translation Viomycin binds to A site of the ribosome prevent tRNA stabilizing and adding amino acids to a polypeptide chain. Leading to inhibition of protein synthesis Viomycin is administered intravenously and diffuses into the bacterial cell Cytosol Infected Human Cell Bacterial DNA Gram-Positive Bacteria Peptidoglycan Cell Membrane
Viomycin Viomycin
Viomy Viomy Bacterial Ribosome RNA Polymerase Bacterial mRNA Transcription Translation Viomycin binds to A site of the ribosome prevent tRNA stabilizing and adding amino acids to a polypeptide chain. Leading to inhibition of protein synthesis Viomycin is administered intravenously and diffuses into the bacterial cell Cytosol Infected Human Cell Bacterial DNA Gram-Positive Bacteria Peptidoglycan Cell Membrane
Viomy Viomy