Quantitative metabolomics services for biomarker discovery and validation.
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ADRA1A ADRB1 ADRB2 SLC6A2 SLC18A2 SLC6A2 SLC18A2 DDC DBH MAOA TH ALDH3A1 COMT Norepinephrine Phentermine Norepinephrine Norepinephrine Norepinephrine Phentermine Phentermine L-Dopa Dopamine Carbon dioxide Ascorbic acid Oxygen Dehydroascorbic acid Water Water Oxygen 3,4- Dihydroxymandelaldehyde Hydrogen peroxide Ammonia L-Tyrosine Tetrahydrobiopterin Oxygen Dihydrobiopterin Water NAD Water 3,4- Dihydroxymandelic acid NADH Hydrogen Ion S- Adenosylmethionine Vanillylmandelic acid S- Adenosylhomocysteine Gq signaling cascade Gs signaling cascade
ADRA1A ADRB1 ADRB2 SLC6A2 SLC18A2 SLC6A2 SLC18A2 DDC DBH MAOA TH ALDH3A1 COMT Norpp Fenterm Norpp Norpp Norpp Fenterm Fenterm L-Dopa LDP CO2 VitC O2 DHAA H2O H2O O2 34DIHY H2O2 NH3 Tyr BH4 O2 BH3 H2O NAD H2O 34-DHMA NADH H+ SAMe VMA SAH Mg2+ Gq si c G s c FAD Pyr-5'P Fe2+ Pqq Cu Post synaptic neuron Norepinephrine is synthesized from tyrosine and stored in presynaptic vesicles. Synapse Cytosol Presynaptic Neuron Cytosol Postsynaptic Neuron Diffusion Blood-Brain Barrier Suppression of Appetite Phentermine is a sodium-dependent noradrenaline transporter inhibitor. This activity results in higher concentrations of noradrenaline in the synapse. Norepinephrine activates the postsynaptic adrenergic receptors (alpha and beta). This provokes the satiety feeling. Lateral Hypothalamus