Carnosine N- methyltransferase Beta-Ala-His dipeptidase β-Alanine Carnosine Carnosine Carnosine Carnosine β-Alanine S-Adenosylmethionine S-Adenosylhomocysteine Anserine H2O 1-Methylhistidine Zinc (II) ion Neurotoxin Mitochondrial Toxin Hyper-Beta- Alaninemia Hepatocyte Intestinal Lumen Intestinal Epithelial Cells Carnosine is obtained mainly from meat, and in trace amounts from eggs and dairy products Intestinal Epithelial Cells Nucleus Cytosol Created with Snap
Nucleus CARNMT1 CNDP1 β-Alanine Carnosine Carnosine Carnosine Carnosine β-Alanine S- Adenosylmethionine S- Adenosylhomocysteine Anserine Water 1- Methylhistidine Neurotoxin Mitochondrial Toxin Hyper-Beta- Alaninemia Created with Snap
CARNMT1 CNDP1 b-Ala Carnosi Carnosi Carnosi Carnosi b-Ala SAMe SAH Anserin H2O 1-Mhis Zinc Neuro Mit Tox Hy-Be-A Hepatocyte Intestinal Lumen Intestinal Epithelial Cells Carnosine is obtained mainly from meat, and in trace amounts from eggs and dairy products Intestinal Epithelial Cells Nucleus Cytosol Created with Snap
Nucleus CARNMT1 CNDP1 b-Ala Carnosi Carnosi Carnosi Carnosi b-Ala SAMe SAH Anserin H2O 1-Mhis Neuro Mit Tox Hy-Be-A Created with Snap