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Showing 181 - 190 of 605359 pathways
SMPDB ID Pathway Name and Description Pathway Class Chemical Compounds Proteins


Pw000561 View Pathway

Lysinuric Protein Intolerance (LPI)

Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI), also called hyperdibasic aminoaciduria, is a rare inborn error of metabolism (IEM) and autosomal recessive disorder of the kidney function pathway. It is caused by a mutation in the SLC7A7 gene which encodes the Y+L amino acid transporter 1 protein, which is involved in the uptake of amino acids, both with sodium for neutral amino acids, and without for dibasic amino acids. In this disorder, the amino acids lysin, arginine and ornithine, found in protein, cannot be broken down, which can cause problems in the systems that use these amino acids, such as the urea cycle. LPI is characterized by a shortage of lysine, arginine and ornithine within the body, causing elevated ammonia levels in the blood. Symptoms of the disorder include failure to thrive after weaning, nausea and vomiting following a meal containing large amounts of protein, as well as osteoporosis, and lung and kidney problems. Treatment with a protein restricted diet is effective, as well as prescription of medication to lower the levels of ammonia in the blood. It is estimated that the LPI affects 1 in 60,000 individuals in certain populations such as in Finland and Japan, and less frequently outside these populations.


Pw000326 View Pathway

Polythiazide Action Pathway

Polythiazide (also known as Renese or Drenusil) is an organic compound that used for diuretic. It can inhibit the solute carrier family 12 member 3 (also known as sodium-chloride symporter) in the nephron to prevent water reabsorption. Solute carrier family 12 member 3 is also used for sodium reabsorption that count for 5% of total amount. Solute carrier family 12 member 3 transports chloride and sodium from lumen to epithelial cell, and sodium/potassium ATPases facilitate the export of sodium to basolateral interstitium to provide sodium gradient that will increase the osmolarity in interstitium, which lead to establishment of osmotic gradient for water reabsorption.
Drug Action


Pw000340 View Pathway

Chlorthalidone Action Pathway

Chlorthalidone (also known as chlorthalidone or phthalamudine) is an organic compound that used for diuretic. It can inhibit the solute carrier family 12 member 3 (also known as sodium-chloride symporter) in the nephron to prevent water reabsorption. Solute carrier family 12 member 3 is also used for sodium reabsorption that count for 5% of total amount. Solute carrier family 12 member 3 transports chloride and sodium from lumen to epithelial cell, and sodium/potassium ATPases facilitate the export of sodium to basolateral interstitium to provide sodium gradient that will increase the osmolarity in interstitium, which lead to establishment of osmotic gradient for water reabsorption.
Drug Action


Pw000333 View Pathway

Cyclothiazide Action Pathway

Cyclothiazide (also known as Anhydron or Acquirel) is an organic compound that used for diuretic. It can inhibit the solute carrier family 12 member 3 (also known as sodium-chloride symporter) in the nephron to prevent water reabsorption. Solute carrier family 12 member 3 is also used for sodium reabsorption that count for 5% of total amount. Solute carrier family 12 member 3 transports chloride and sodium from lumen to epithelial cell, and sodium/potassium ATPases facilitate the export of sodium to basolateral interstitium to provide sodium gradient that will increase the osmolarity in interstitium, which lead to establishment of osmotic gradient for water reabsorption.
Drug Action


Pw000338 View Pathway

Torsemide Action Pathway

Torsemide, also known as torasemide is a pharmacologically-active small molecule that belongs to the drug class of loop diuretics. It is commonly used to manage hypertension and edema in cases of congestive heart failure as it acts as a diuretic by blocking sodium transporters NKCC2 on the thick ascending limb of the Loop of Henle in the renal tissues. Specifically it acts on solute carrier family 12 member 1. This prevents the reuptake of sodium into the Loop of Henle which consequentially reduces the uptake of water and serves to both increase water loss and reduce blood pressure. Torsemide appears to reduce blood pressure beyond its action in reducing salt uptake in the Loop of Henle; it also seems to be involved in reducing vasoconstriction by blocking the action of angiotensin II.
Drug Action


Pw000559 View Pathway

Blue Diaper Syndrome

Blue diaper syndrome is a recessive metabolic disorder that has not yet been determined to be X-linked or autosomal. This syndrome is caused by a mutation in the large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1 protein, which allows tryptophan, among other amino acids, to be reabsorbed in the kidneys. The excess tryptophan found in the intestine is digested by bacteria which excrete indole, which can undergo oxidation to produce indigo blue. This is seen in the diapers of infants affected by blue diaper syndrome, due to the increased levels of indole in their urine or feces. Other symptoms can include bacterial infections, damage to various parts of the eye, hypercalcemia, and impaired kidney function due to this. Treatment can include a calcium restricted diet in order to prevent hypercalcemia, and a tryptophan restricted diet to prevent all systems. If bacterial infections are common, antibiotics may be prescribed.


Pw000220 View Pathway

Lysinuric Protein Intolerance

Lysinuric protein intolerance (Hyperdibasic aminoaciduria II; Dibasic aminoaciduria II; Hyperdibasic aminoaciduria II; LPI), also called hyperdibasic aminoaciduria type 2 or familial protein intolerance, is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder affecting amino acid transport. LPI is caused by a defect in SLC7A7, Solute carrier family 7, a cationic amino acid transporter. A defect in this enzyme results in accumulation of ammmonia and reticulocytes in blood; glutamine in plasma, carnitine and ferritin in serum, and arginine, lysine and ornithine in urine. Symptoms include bone marrow abnormality, growth retardation, hyperammoniemia, mental retardation, pancreatitis, and seizures.


Pw000218 View Pathway

Hartnup Disorder

Hartunup Disorder (HND, Hartnup Disease) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in the SLC6A19 which codes for sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0). A deficiency in this enzyme results in accumulation of L-alanine, L-asparagine, L-histidine, indoleacetic acid, L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-phenylalanine, L-serine, L-threonine, L-tryptophan, L-valine, and L-tyrosine in urine. Symptoms include pellagra, psychosis, ataxia, and mental retardation. Treatment includes nicotinamide.


Pw000477 View Pathway

gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase Deficiency

Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase deficiency, characterized by glutathionemia and glutathionuria, is an autosomal recessive disorder of glutathione metabolism caused by a defective gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT). GGT transfers glutamyl moieties to acceptor molecules such as amino acids and peptides. This disorder is characterized by a large accumulation of glutathione in the urine. Symptoms of the disorder include easy bruising, asthma, and mild mental retardation.


Pw000073 View Pathway

Glutathione Synthetase Deficiency

Glutathione Synthetase Deficiency (5-Oxoprolinuria; Pyroglutamic Aciduria; GSD) is a rare inborn error of metabolism (IEM) which arises from a disfunctional gene called GSS. This gene is responsible for glutathione synthetase. Glutathione synthetase is the second enzyme in the glutathione biosynthesis pathway. It catalyses the condensation of gamma-glutamylcysteine and glycine, to form glutathione. A defect in this enzyme results in accumulation of pyroglutamic acid and gamma-glutamylcysteine in urine and blood; decrease level of glutathione in erythrocytes; increase urinary excretion of 5-oxoproline. GSD is typically distinguished by three levels of severity. Those levels naturally being mild, moderate and severe. Being with the former, mild GSD can lead to a harmful condition known as hemolytic anemia. This occurs when red blood cells are destroyed. Although not as common, it is also possible for patients affected with GSD to excrete in their urine elevated quantities of 5-oxoproline (hence the other name for this condition shown in the first sentence of this description). The accumulation of high levels of 5-oxoproline (and hence the elevated level of secretion of this compound) is a direct consequence of glutathione being improperly processed by the body. Turning now to the second level of severity, moderate, it is typical to see affected patients experience experience the two symptoms described above, in addition to metabolic acidosis. The latter condition being the consequence of high acidity levels in the blood as well as other tissues. Finally, individuals with severe GSD may suffer from a wide variety of neurological symptoms. This could include anything from ataxia and slowed reactions, to psychomotor retardation, mental retardation and seizures.
Showing 181 - 190 of 142613 pathways