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Showing 151 - 160 of 605359 pathways
SMPDB ID Pathway Name and Description Pathway Class Chemical Compounds Proteins


Pw000655 View Pathway

Methadyl Acetate Action Pathway

Methadyl Acetate (also known as Acetylmethadol) is a synthetic opioid analgesic that can bind to mu-type opioid receptor to activate associated G-protein in the sensory neurons of central nervous system (CNS), which will reduce the level of intracellular cAMP by inhibiting adenylate cyclase. The binding of methadyl acetate will eventually lead to reduced pain because of decreased nerve conduction and release of neurotransmitter. Therefore, methadyl acetate can reduce nerve conduction and decrease neurotransmitter release; so that perception of pain signals can be blocked.
Drug Action


Pw000667 View Pathway

Ketobemidone Action Pathway

Ketobemidone (also known as Ketogan) is analgesic that can bind to mu-type opioid receptor to activate associated G-protein in the sensory neurons of central nervous system (CNS), which will reduce the level of intracellular cAMP by inhibiting adenylate cyclase. The binding of ketobemidone acetate will eventually lead to reduced pain because of decreased nerve conduction and release of neurotransmitter. Hyperpolarization of neuron is caused by inactivation of calcium channels and activation of potassium channels via facilitated by G-protein.
Drug Action


Pw000648 View Pathway

Tramadol Action Action Pathway

Tramadol is an analgesic drug consisting of two enantiomer forms (+)-Tramadol and (-)-Tramadol. Both contribute to pain relief by inhibiting pain transmission in the spinal cord via different mechanisms. (+)-Tramadol is a selective agonist of the mu receptor (OP3) inhibiting serotonin reuptake, while (-)-Tramadol inhibits norepinephrine reuptake in the central nervous system. Although tramadol is structurally related to codeine and morphine, it’s affinity for the mu receptor compared to other opioids is significantly less. Therefore tramadol is used when treatment with strong opioids is not necessary since it’s pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties suggest the low likelihood of patients becoming dependent.
Drug Action


Pw000403 View Pathway

Levobupivacaine Action Pathway

Levobupivacaine exerts its local anaesthetic effect by blocking voltage-gated sodium channels in peripheral neurons. Levobupivacaine diffuses across the neuronal plasma membrane in its uncharged base form. Once inside the cytoplasm, it is protonated and this protonated form enters and blocks the pore of the voltage-gated sodium channel from the cytoplasmic side. For this to happen, the sodium channel must first become active so that so that gating mechanism is in the open state. Therefore levobupivacaine preferentially inhibits neurons that are actively firing.
Drug Action


Pw101069 View Pathway

LPS and Citrate Signaling and Inflammation

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are essential to the structure and function of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane, providing both stability (via an increased negative charge) and protection. Also referred to as lipoglycans and endotoxins, these large molecules are potent activators of animal immune systems. Following detection by macrophage and dendritic cell TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4), signalling cascades activate transcription factors such as NF-κB which lead to the production of pro-inflammatory molecules (e.g. cytokines, prostaglandins, ROS, and nitric oxide). Inflammation, the body's response to infection and injury, is vital for the elimination of harmful irritants and the initiation of tissue repair. The production of citrate is upregulated in LPS-activated dendritic cells (via upregulation of glycolysis) in order to increase the rate of fatty acid biosynthesis. Fatty acids are vital for cytokine production and for extending the cell membrane in order to allow for more antigens to be presented. A mitochondrial citrate transport protein exports citrate into the cytoplasm where it is catabolized into acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate. Acetyl-CoA is incorporated into phospholipids and used to acetylate proteins. Oxaloacetate can be broken down further into NADPH which is required to synthesize reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO).


Pw000523 View Pathway

Fumarase Deficiency

Fumarase deficiency, also called fumaric aciduria, is a rare inborn error of metabolism (IEM) and autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by a defective mitochondrial fumarate hydratase. Fumarate hydratase catalyzes the conversion of fumaric acid into L-Malic acid or other way around. This disorder is characterized by a large accumulation of fumaric acid in the mitochondrial. Symptoms of the disorder include microcephaly (i.e. small head), severe developmental delay, hypotonia (i.e. weak muscle), and etc. Treatment with oral malic acid is very effective since malic acid can keep the Krebs cycle to function. Fumarase deficiency has been reported in approximately 100 people.


Pw000364 View Pathway

Acebutolol Action Pathway

Acebutolol (also known as Sectral or Prent) is a selective β1 adrenergic receptor antagonist (beta blocker), which can be used for treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) and irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). Acebutolol also has the ability to mild intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA) with effective range of dosage. Adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) can activate β1 adrenergic receptor so that the heart rate and output will be increased. Renin is a hormone that generated from kidney, which could lead to constriction of blood vessels. Beta blockers could efficiently prohibit renin release.
Drug Action


Pw000390 View Pathway

Verapamil Action Pathway

Verapamil is a phenylalkylamine calcium channel blocker (CCB) or antagonist. There are at least five different types of calcium channels in Homo sapiens: L-, N-, P/Q-, R- and T-type. CCBs target L-type calcium channels, the major channel in muscle cells that mediates contraction. Verapamil, an organic cation, is thought to primarily block L-type calcium channels in their open state by interfering with the binding of calcium ions to the extracellular opening of the channel. It is one of only two clinically used CCBs that are cardioselective. Verapamil and diltiazem and, the other cardioselective CCB, shows greater activity against cardiac calcium channels than those of the peripheral vasculature. Other CCBs, such as nifedipine and amlodipine, have little to no effect on cardiac cells (cardiac myocytes and cells of the SA and AV nodes). Due to its cardioselective properties, verapamil may be used to treat arrhythmias (e.g. atrial fibrillation) as well as hypertension. The first part of this pathway depicts the pharmacological action of verapamil on cardiac myocytes and peripheral arterioles and coronary arteries. Verapamil decreases cardiac myocyte contractility by inhibiting the influx of calcium ions. Calcium ions entering the cell through L-type calcium channels bind to calmodulin. Calcium-bound calmodulin then binds to and activates myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). Activated MLCK catalyzes the phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain subunit of myosin, a key step in muscle contraction. Signal amplification is achieved by calcium-induced calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum through ryanodine receptors. Inhibition of the initial influx of calcium decreases the contractile activity of cardiac myocytes and results in an overall decreased force of contraction by the heart. Verapamil affects smooth muscle contraction and subsequent vasoconstriction in peripheral arterioles and coronary arteries by the same mechanism. Decreased cardiac contractility and vasodilation lower blood pressure. The second part of this pathway illustrates the effect of calcium channel antagonism on the cardiac action potentials. Contractile activity of cardiac myocytes is elicited via action potentials mediated by a number of ion channel proteins. During rest, or diastole, cells maintain a negative membrane potential; i.e. the inside of the cell is negatively charged relative to the cellsŠ—È extracellular environment. Membrane ion pumps, such as the sodium-potassium ATPase and sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX), maintain low intracellular sodium (5 mM) and calcium (100 nM) concentrations and high intracellular potassium (140 mM) concentrations. Conversely, extracellular concentrations of sodium (140 mM) and calcium (1.8 mM) are relatively high and extracellular potassium concentrations are low (5 mM). At rest, the cardiac cell membrane is impermeable to sodium and calcium ions, but is permeable to potassium ions via inward rectifier potassium channels (I-K1), which allow an outward flow of potassium ions down their concentration gradient. The positive outflow of potassium ions aids in maintaining the negative intracellular electric potential. When cells reach a critical threshold potential, voltage-gated sodium channels (I-Na) open and the rapid influx of positive sodium ions into the cell occurs as the ions travel down their electrochemical gradient. This is known as the rapid depolarization or upstroke phase of the cardiac action potential. Sodium channels then close and rapidly activated potassium channels such as the voltage-gated transient outward delayed rectifying potassium channel (I-Kto) and the voltage-gated ultra rapid delayed rectifying potassium channel (I-Kur) open. These events make up the early repolarization phase during which potassium ions flow out of the cell and sodium ions are continually pumped out. During the next phase, known as the plateau phase, calcium L-type channels (I-CaL) open and the resulting influx of calcium ions roughly balances the outward flow of potassium channels. During the final repolarization phase, the voltage-gated rapid (I-Kr) and slow (I-Ks) delayed rectifying potassium channels open increasing the outflow of potassium ions and repolarizing the cell. The extra sodium and calcium ions that entered the cell during the action potential are extruded via sodium-potassium ATPases and NCX and intra- and extracellular ion concentrations are restored. In specialized pacemaker cells, gradual depolarization to threshold occurs via funny channels (I-f). Blocking L-type calcium channels decreases conduction and increases the refractory period. VerapamilŠ—Ès effects on pacemaker cells enable its use as a rate-controlling agent in atrial fibrillation.
Drug Action


Pw000376 View Pathway

Quinidine Action Pathway

This pathway illustrates the quinidine targets involved in antiarrhythmic therapy. Contractile activity of cardiac myocytes is elicited via action potentials mediated by a number of ion channel proteins. During rest, or diastole, cells maintain a negative membrane potential; i.e. the inside the cell is negatively charged relative to the cells’ extracellular environment. Membrane ion pumps, such as the sodium-potassium ATPase and sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX), maintain low intracellular sodium (5 mM) and calcium (100 nM) concentrations and high intracellular potassium (140 mM) concentrations. Conversely, extracellular concentrations of sodium (140 mM) and calcium (1.8 mM) are relatively high and extracellular potassium concentrations are low (5 mM). At rest, the cardiac cell membrane is impermeable to sodium and calcium ions, but is permeable to potassium ions via inward rectifier potassium channels (I-K1), which allow an outward flow of potassium ions down their concentration gradient. The positive outflow of potassium ions aids in maintaining the negative intracellular electric potential. When cells reach a critical threshold potential, voltage-gated sodium channels (I-Na) open and the rapid influx of positive sodium ions into the cell occurs as the ions travel down their electrochemical gradient. This is known as the rapid depolarization or upstroke phase of the cardiac action potential. Sodium channels then close and rapidly activated potassium channels such as the voltage-gated transient outward delayed rectifying potassium channel (I-Kto) and the voltage-gated ultra rapid delayed rectifying potassium channel (I-Kur) open. These events make up the early repolarization phase during which potassium ions flow out of the cell and sodium ions are continually pumped out. During the next phase, known as the plateau phase, calcium L-type channels (I-CaL) open and the resulting influx of calcium ions roughly balances the outward flow of potassium channels. During the final repolarization phase, the voltage-gated rapid (I-Kr) and slow (I-Ks) delayed rectifying potassium channels open increasing the outflow of potassium ions and repolarizing the cell. The extra sodium and calcium ions that entered the cell during the action potential are extruded via sodium-potassium ATPases and NCX and intra- and extracellular ion concentrations are restored. In specialized pacemaker cells, gradual depolarization to threshold occurs via funny channels (I-f). Quinidine, a diastereomer of quinine, is a Class 1A antiarrhythmic drug that is isolated from the bark of the Cinchona plant or other related species. This alkaloid dampens the excitability of cardiac and skeletal muscles by blocking sodium and potassium currents across cellular membranes. At low concentrations, it blocks the voltage-gated sodium (I-Na) and rapid delayed rectifying potassium (I-Kr) channels. I-Na is responsible for the rapid upstroke in cell membrane potential observed on the cardiac myocyte action potential. I-Kr is partially responsible for the final repolarization phase of the action potential. By blocking I-Na, quinidine increases the threshold of excitability and decreases automaticity. I-Kr block results in action potential prolongation. At higher concentrations, quinidine also blocks voltage-gated delayed rectifying potassium channel (I-Ks), inward rectifier potassium channel (I-K1), voltage-gated transient outward delayed rectifying potassium channel (I-Kto), and L-type calcium channels (I-CaL). Quinidine also exerts antimuscarinic effects, which increase AV nodal conduction and antagonize alpha-adrenergic effects. Quinidine may be used to maintain sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation or flutter and prevent recurrence of ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia. The side effects of quinidine include diarrhea and on rare occasions (2-8%) Torsades de Pointes.
Drug Action


Pw000371 View Pathway

Nadolol Action Pathway

Nadolol (also known as Corgard or Solgol) is a beta blocker (non-selective) that are used for treat high blood pressure or chest pain. Nadolol bind to beta1-adrenergic receptors in heart and vascular smooth muscle to block the binding of other adrenergic neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, which lead to decreased blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output. Nadolol can also bind beta-2 adrenergic receptors in juxtaglomerular apparatus and bronchiole smooth muscle. In juxtaglomerular apparatus, nadolol can prevent the production of aldosterone and angiotensin II by inhibiting renin production, which lead to prevention of water retention and vasoconstriction. In bronchiole smooth muscle, binding of nadolol to beta-2 adrenergic receptors can also prevent vasoconstriction.
Drug Action
Showing 151 - 160 of 140993 pathways